LTRA was the prime consultant for this NTTA project which consisted of converting existing ramp plazas to electronic toll collection systems. Responsibilities on this project included the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the conversion to All Electronic Toll Collection (all-ETC) of 30 ramp plazas along the President George Bush Turnpike. The conversion of the existing ramp plaza facilities consisted of the removal of the existing islands between the two-lane ramp and reconstructing the pavement to allow for one or two traffic lanes, depending on the entrance conditions of the existing ramps, with shoulders on both sides of the lanes. Site improvements include pavement replacement, cutting and plugging of existing water and sewer utilities at the plaza, reconfiguration of existing plazas horizontal alignment including the placement of traffic barriers to direct traffic flow, determination of sufficiency of existing electrical systems, and design of toll collection equipment infrastructure needed for the NTTA to install toll collection equipment and enforcement cameras. This was an accelerated project with a design schedule of three months. LTRA met the deadline and completed the project to the client’s satisfaction. This project is currently under construction.