LTRA was the prime consultant for the 5.3 miles of a freeway construction project with an estimated construction cost of $21 million in the San Antonio District. This project consisted of designing the mainlanes and the ramps and upgrading the existing frontage roads. As the prime consultant, LTRA was responsible for the project management, freeway and ramp design, hydraulic and storm sewer design, intersection layout and design, bridge and retaining wall layouts and the final assembly of the plans. The design was completed in December 2001 and the construction was completed in 2004. Due to funding issues, the design of this project was accelerated after the contract was awarded. LTRA was able to complete this project to meet the client’s accelerated schedule. Total time to completion of PS&E was 15 months. In addition, a value engineering study was performed on the project at the 10% level. The proposed typical section for the project was adjusted to save the client a considerable amount of money. The bid price for this project was within 2% of our engineering estimate. In the evaluation that our TxDOT project manager completed for the project, Mr. Cosgrove stated that, “a good consultant is hard to find” and that “LTRA was one of the best consulting firms that he has ever worked with”.